
Minimum Stay

The minimum stay allowed for home stay is one month and that for budget stay is two weeks. Any other adjustments must be make available to the contact person two weeks before departure dates.

Vacation Policy

Please follow the guidelines below if you plan to travel with friends.

  • Homestay guests and hosts must discuss vacation plans in advance. Arrangements must be agreeable to both parties. Please allow enough time to make arrangements.
  • If the homestay guest plan to travel for more than a month the contact person should be informed so that fee reductions are calculated.
  • If the homestay guest will be informed of other travel plans by other organisation so they can join at a fee quoted by the outside organisation.
  • The calculation is based on the number of nights, not days, of absence.
  • Guest are allowed to travel with keys but must be careful they dont loose them on their trip.
  • If the homestay guest and the host prefer to make the room available to a different homestay guest during the original homestay guest's vacation, all personal belongings must be moved out and stored. In this case, the homestay guest is not required to pay fees during his or her absence. However, if the homestay guest intends to return to the same homestay, the host and the homestay guest should agree firmly to the arrangements in advance. It would not be fair to the host if the homestay guest moved into another place shortly after returning from vacation.In that case, the homestay guest should vacate the room before leaving so the host can begin hosting another long term homestay guest.

This policy is revised periodically in an effort to make it fair and understandable for homestay guests and families. Please call us if you need assistance in determining your rate!

Please see our rates for current rates.

Cancellation Policy

It is our goal that the homestay experience be enjoyable for both the homestay guest and the host. Please communicate with us if there is a problem so that we can resolve it together. We can help you resolve many types of problems, such as misunderstandings, cross-cultural problems, and missed expectations.

If you have tried unsuccessfully to resolve problems with your hosts and would like a new homestay, we will be happy to assist you. We will place you with a different host at no extra charge during the first two months of your homestay. We promise we will not discuss your problems with your host without your permission. We will make an appointment with you to discuss ways to create a successful homestay situation with new hosts. Then, we will make a new placement and arrangements for you to move into your new homestay.

Terms of the Cancellation Policy and refund:

  • The 100 Ghana cedis deposit is given to the contact person as a cancellation fee if the homestay guest cancels the homestay less than two weeks before arrival.
  • If the homestay guest arrives and stays in the homestay as planned, the 100 ghana cedis is paid to the contact person as part of the first month's rent. The homestay guest pays the remainder of the first month's rent to the contact person upon arrival.
  • If you cancel the homestay before 30 days before your arrival 80% of the money paid will be refunded that excludes the 100 ghana cedis which is non refundable.(Please note: if you ask to move to a different homestay because you are not comfortable in the one we chose for you, we will move you as soon as possible, and the remaining month's payment will be forwarded to the new contact person family.)
  • If you cancel less than 30 days and more than 20 days before your arrival then 40% percent will be refunded to you excluding the 100 ghana cedis which is non refundable.
  • If you cancel less than 19 and 15 before your arrival then 20% will be refunded to you excluding the 100 ghana cedis which is non refundable.

Homestay Agreement

Read the Homestay agreement (part of the Homestay Application).